Laura Vallée - Creator of the vintage online store @gigette_vintage

To begin, can you introduce yourself in a few words: Who are you?

My name is Laura, I'm 31 years old. I am the creator of @gigette_vintage, an online Vintage store where I sell clothes, accessories, jewelry or other little old treasures.

I'm a creative, I like to make lots of things, draw, tinker...

I live with my lover Fabien, our dog Milo and Gigi the cat (empress of my heart).

Your relationship to objects in a global way:

Before discovering what object you are going to tell us about, can you tell us what place you give to objects and decoration in general in your daily life?

I've always liked vintage and I've always been a bit of a collector (two things that go together very well by the way!)

Objects and furniture with us are found or brought back from travels.

Objects associated with memories will always follow me. On the other hand, I like to change certain things regularly, such as my dishes!

It is not uncommon for guests to leave a dinner with us with new plates or a jewel!

Where does your relationship to objects and decoration come from?

I think I've always been sensitive to decoration, particularly vintage decoration. My grandparents had a small apartment in Normandy which was exclusively decorated with objects from the early 70s. The aesthetic shock!

And then my parents always took me to flea markets, it's a tradition!

My relationship to decoration is intimately linked to my passion for old objects.

Renovating your new house was kind of my summer saga, how did you come up with the project? What are your inspirations?

Hahaha that's so cute! We looked for this house for a year, we were so happy to find it that we approached this work with great happiness and with great desire.

I wanted a very soft and warm environment (the search for the perfect terracotta paint was a big deal!)

We started by hunting down a few pieces of furniture, chairs, a spice cabinet and fixing them up.

At the same time, I made inspiration boards on Pinterest to glean ideas for color and material combinations.

You share lots of tips to transform your finds from China, how do you find inspiration for these hacks? What will be the next transformation to come #eauàlabouche?

I take a walk on Instagram or Pinterest and I save the images of which I like the atmosphere. I also watch a lot of tutorials. I believe that these images are stored in my memory. When I hunt, these images reappear. We discuss it with Fabien and we find a way to realize our ideas.

Our next project is to line a mottled chest at Emmaüs. At the moment it is dark wood, very rustic. We will padded it and cover it with a beautiful Indian fabric.

Tell me about your “heart object”:

What is this object? Why did you choose to tell us about this one in particular?

Of course, for a bargain hunter/collector like me, this question made me think! And then finally I chose a very simple object, the book "Peau d'Âne" which belonged to my mother as a child. It is the book of Jacques Demy's film.

It is very damaged because we have both read it a lot.

The beauty of the costumes, the poetic atmosphere, the love cake song or Delphine Seyrig's voice, Catherine Deneuve's hair, the film is marvelous and the book a very beautiful extension.

This book is a thread that connects my grandmother, my mother and me. Between its pages I slipped letters they wrote to me.

Imagine, we are in August 2023, do you think you would be accompanied by the same object?

Sure ! I am a faithful woman in love!

Your Chinese portrait of objects:

What item would you take to a desert island?

A huge Indian duvet bought in a shop in Avignon a few years ago is officially the softest and most comfortable thing in the world. On a desert island, it can only help! (in truth I think it would be better to bring a saucepan!)

If you had to reincarnate yourself as an object, which one would it be?

I cheat a bit by choosing multiple objects. I would reincarnate in my Villeroy & Boch Acapulco service. There are plenty of incredible pieces that allow you to set completely psychedelic tables that put everyone in a good mood!

If you had to keep only one object at home?

The photo albums that my grandmother made of me as a child.

Which object best represents you?

A travel diary, I make one as soon as we go on vacation. I compile photos, drawings, receipts or dried flowers. Little things that make memories.

What object could you forget in a move? #whoops

As we moved recently, we had done a lot of sorting. However I think Fabien would answer you our large Pierrot lamp. He hates her!

What object that you do not (yet) own would you dream of having?

I'll tell you that on Saturday morning at the flea market!

Bonus question: do you think of a person who would have lots of things to tell me for an upcoming interview?

During all the work, I listened with passion to the @lechantierpodcast podcast by @anneponty_videdeco. After being so rocked by Anne's voice, I would love to read her interview at your place!

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